CZECRIN as a national large infrastructure has a structure ensuring transparency and efficient management of the entire distributed infrastructure. All institutions and partners involved have the opportunity to participate in the direction of CZECRIN.

Advisory Board
CZECRIN International Scientific Advisory Board (ISAB)
ISAB provides recommendations and suggestions as well as independent assessments in the areas of CZECRIN’s scientific activities, service portfolio, key areas of strategic development and international perspective and future direction. The ISAB consists of highly qualified, nationally and internationally recognised experts. In 2023, the ISAB has 9 members and the key areas represented are in line with CZECRIN’s core expertise – science, research and development in clinical medicine, regulatory affairs, clinical trials, ethical considerations and data management based on FAIR principles, scientific perspectives in biomedicine, social health, and education.
The CZECRIN Board is the top decision-making body of CZECRIN, enabling the host institution and partner representatives and CZECRIN network members to take collective decisions on strategic matters and issues related to CZECRIN. The CZECRIN Board is composed of representatives of participating hospitals and specialised medical institutions in accordance with the approved Statutes of the CZECRIN Board. The CZECRIN Board is chaired by the CZECRIN Board Leader nominated by the host institution.

doc. MUDr. Jan Krejčí, Ph.D.
Head of CZECRIN Board | St Anne’s UH Brno

doc. MUDr. Ing. Jakub Cvek, Ph.D., MBA
CZECRIN Board member | UH Ostrava
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prof. MUDr. Jiří Horáček, Ph.D., FCMV
CZECRIN Board member | NIMH

prof. MUDr. Pavel Michálek, Ph.D., D.E.S.A., M.Sc.
CZECRIN Board member | GUH Prague
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MUDr. Alice Němcová
CZECRIN Board member | SÚKL

RNDr. Jitka Soukupová, Ph.D.
CZECRIN Board member |Thomayer UH
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prof. MUDr. Ondřej Topolčan, CSc.
CZECRIN Board member | UH Plzeň
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Ing. Karel Antoš, Ph.d.
CZECRIN Board member | UH Hradec Králové
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Mgr. Eva Sarah Al Jamal
CZECRIN Board member | UH Motol
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doc. MUDr. Tomáš Kazda, Ph.D.
CZECRIN Board member | MMCI
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prof. MUDr. Robert Mikulík, Ph.D.
CZECRIN Board member | St Anne’s UH Brno
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prof. MUDr. Martin Smrčka, Ph.D., MBA
CZECRIN Board member | UH Brno
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doc. MUDr. Mgr. Cyril Šálek, Ph.D.
CZECRIN Board member | IHBT

prof. MUDr. Petr Toušek, Ph.D., FESC
CZECRIN Board member | UH Královské Vinohrady
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The CZECRIN Core Team is the operations team that manages the day-to-day running of CZECRIN. Core Team consists of the Heads of support and scientific units and representatives of the partner institution and the host institution. The main goal is to coordinate LRI activities, regularly review the progress of projects, analyze capacity utilization, evaluate new requirements for cooperation and ensure the effective use of LRI CZECRIN resources and open access and quality of operations. The CZECRIN Director or designated personnel manages the Core Team.
The CZECRIN Office is an executive team that ensures the operational needs of the CZECRIN VI, coordinates the support, operational and development agendas of the CZECRIN VI, and provides procedural and technical support for the CZECRIN VI. It implements key development projects of VVI CZECRIN.