CZECRIN publication in the Critical Care journal


15 January 2023


CZECRIN publication in the Critical Care journal

Although the year 2023 has already begun, we would like to mention a significant publication achievement that was made in collaboration with the CZECRIN research infrastructure. In July 2022, the Critical Care journal published an article entitled Palliative care practice and moral distress during COVID-19 pandemic (PEOpLE-C19 study): a national, cross-sectional study in intensive care units in the Czech Republic, the content of which was contributed by a group of scientists  and researchers from MED MUNI, University Hospital Brno and the CZECRIN.

The article presented part of the results of the PEOpLE-C19 questionnaire study, which was conducted at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic and investigated end-of-life decision-making processes, moral distress of medical and non-medical staff caring for patients in palliative care in ICUs, as well as the actual practice of palliative care in the Czech Republic.The article reporting on the results of palliative care practice in ICU is submitted for publication in the journal Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine.

The results of the PEOpLE-C19 study were one of the initiatives that contributed to the creation of the RIPE-ICU (Research Initiative in Palliative Care and Ethics in ICU) initiative, which aims to further develop research and education on palliative care in the ICU. Currently, the PEOpLE-C19 EN study is in preparation to map moral distress and end-of-life decision-making in Europe.

Critical Care is a high-quality, peer-reviewed, international clinical medical journal. Critical Care aims to improve the care of critically ill patients by acquiring, discussing, distributing, and promoting evidence-based information relevant to intensivists.