All CZECRIN research activities are focused on approaching new treatment options for patients.

Science and Research

By its nature, CZECRIN is a research infrastructure focused on clinical research, clinical trials and a patient-oriented drug. The outcome of its research and development are both publishing activities and non-publishing – applied results. All activities are aimed at supporting and developing non-commercial, evidence-based clinical trials leading to the development of new therapies or products, the optimization of drug use and individual dosing in a standard treatment algorithm, personalized drug development and individual patient treatment; proposals for updating clinical best practices and new diagnostic options.

CZECRIN performs scientific and research projects on a national and international level.


CZECRIN cooperates with national and international biomedical infrastructures, research organizations, research consortia, and other non-commercial institutions or the WHO. At the same time, within the framework of commercial cooperation, CZECRIN foster collaboration with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with their own biomedical research supporting them  in the area of regulatory strategies, early product design or offers its GMP production facilities and/or capacities.

Within the European cooperation framework, CZECRIN  is involved in more than 20 research projects financed by FP7 and Horizon 2020. Within the medical infrastructures cooperation closely cooperates mainly with biobanks associated in BBMRI and translational research laboratories within EATRIS, both nationally and internationally within ERIC infrastructures.