The SEOTP study was approved through the CTIS portal in May, the initiation of the centres in a process


June 14, 2023


The SEOTP study was approved through the CTIS portal in May, the initiation of the centres in a process

The SEOTP study conducted by CZECRIN was the first project of Masaryk University to be initiated into the CTIS portal (Clinical Trial Information System –
an electronic European portal for clinical trials, which was created by a European Commission regulation in 2022).

The sponsor of the SEOTP study is Masaryk University with centres in the University Hospital Brno and University Hospital Ostrava.

The ultimate aim of the study is to improve existing treatment approaches for psychosis and to innovate them based on genotype and endophenotype, including pharmacokinetic analysis, in order to minimize the adverse effects of OLA (olanzapine) treatment and to obtain further information on the efficacy of this treatment.

The plan is to include a total of 200 patients with psychosis in schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorders.