The PSIKET study explores new approaches in the treatment of depression


23 February 2022


The PSIKET study explores new approaches in the treatment of depression

One of the studies, in which CZECRIN also participates to a large extent and is carried out by the National Institute of Mental Health (NÚDZ), is dedicated to the treatment of depression. In two studies (PSIKET001 and PSIKET002), NÚDZ deals with psychedelics as antidepressants and already provides valuable information about their effects. Psilocibyn has shown a rapid onset of action, which is also longer lasting compared to competing substances. You can listen to the presentation of the clinical research itself by the project leader in the ČT24 report (starts at 2:39:00; Presentation of the study design). For those who are more interested in the topic, we are also adding a few articles.

Psychedelics instead of antidepressants. Prohibited substances may soon score in therapy in the Czech Republic (

Psilocybin ketamine in the treatment of depression – PSYRES Foundation

Psilocybin at the End of Life – Eva Césarová (