The Government of the Czech Republic approved further funding for CZECRIN


3 January, 2023


The Government of the Czech Republic approved further funding for CZECRIN

On Wednesday, 14 December 2022, Czech government officials approved new four-year funding for large research infrastructures from the Czech state budget. CZECRIN has received funding for the development of its activities in the years 2023-2026.

The new funding was preceded by an international evaluation of large research infrastructures in 2021. CZCERIN participated in the evaluation for the third time and was again successful, as in 2014 and 2017. It received the highest possible score of 5 in the international peer-review evaluation.

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports has the patronage of the research infrastructures and provides special-purpose support to cover operating costs. It will fund a total of 44 large research infrastructure projects in the period 2023-2026. Their support will amount to almost CZK 2 billion in the following year 2023.