CZECRIN Research Annual Conference 2022 was succesfully held


12 July, 2022


CZECRIN Research Annual Conference 2022 was succesfully held

A month ago, on June 9, 2022, the fourth CZECRIN Annual Scientific Conference 2022 took place. After last year’s online meeting, we were finally able to meet in person this year. However, since we saw the advantages in online form as well, we decided to organize the first CZECRIN hybrid conference of a larger format. The hybrid form enabled us not only to increase accessibility for those interested in participating, but also to invite foreign guests. One of the 4 blocks of the conference was dedicated to foreign cooperation and was conducted entirely in English. Among the speakers, we could personally welcome Jon Salmanton García, who spoke about the VACCELERATE project.

The event was devoted to 4 main topics, which were Disease-oriented networks, the methodology of clinical studies, academic clinical trials results and the mentioned international cooperation.

The conference had a total of 90 participants and thus enjoyed great interest. The great response to the conference was a welcome reward for the organizers. We have already processed the feedback of the participants, and we will try to apply the observations we have received to the maximum extent when holding the next event.

Given that one of the main pillars of the CZECRIN infrastructure is Open Access, we are now bringing you, with the permission of the speakers, presentations and lectures from the entire conference. Last part of the conference was held in English. Rest of those materials are in Czech.

Invitation and full program is here.

The conference was guaranteed by the Czech Medical Association and was awarded 6 credits.