CZECRIN representative co-author of an article in the periodical Pharmacotherapy


12 January 2022


CZECRIN representative co-author of an article in the periodical Pharmacotherapy

At the end of the year, the journal Pharmacotherapy published an article on Subgroup analyzes in clinical trials: What to look out for when interpreting. One of the authors of the article is Dr. Adam Svobodník, CZECRIN Data Science Manager. The article wants to show what pitfalls await us in subgroup analyzes and how to avoid mistakes in their interpretation. It briefly summarizes the relevant statistical theory and, using the example of a specific oncological study, shows how the results of subgroup analyzes should be correctly presented in scientific publications. Finally, the situations that may arise when evaluating subgroups in clinical trials and how to interpret them correctly are discussed.

For magazine subscribers, the article can be read here.