Successfully organized workshop puts CZECRIN Academy in spotlight



Successfully organized workshop puts CZECRIN Academy in spotlight

The educational event of CZECRIN – CZECRIN Academy witnessed high participation and interest of the professional public. The two-day CZECRIN Academy workshop on Project Management and Monitoring in Clinical Trials of Pharmaceuticals (CT) was a successful follow-up to the previous training courses.

The meeting took place at the Research Centre FNUSA – ICRC on 6 and 7 October 2022. The capacity of the workshop was fully booked with participants from all over the Czech Republic. Feedback from the spring meeting completed the agenda, which now also included more interactive and practical lessons.

The first part of the programme was dedicated to project management. Guided by CZECRIN trainers, the participants tried to assemble a project team, plan the implementation of a clinical trial or complete a CTA application. The second part of the training focused on monitoring. Attendees practiced preparation for centre initiation or discussed the most common findings during an ongoing monitoring visit.

“Based on the positive feedback, we believe the event was successful and useful for the participants. It is a great promise on which we can build our future training programmes,” adds the CZECRIN Academy supervisor Jana Unar Vinklerová.

Main goal of CZECRIN Academy is pre- and postgraduate education, sharing of knowledge and experience from experts for comprehensive and effective development in all areas related to clinical research.

This event was realized with the organizational support of FNUSA-ICRCPharmAround endowment fund and was guaranteed by the Czech Association of Nurses.