CZECRIN Annual Research Conference 2024

St. Anne's University Hospital, Brno

September 12, 2024


Annual Research Conference 2024

This year’s Annual Research Conference, organized by CZECRIN, focuses on enhancing patient-centricity in clinical trials through innovative strategies.


September 12, 2024
FNUSA – Conference Hall O1


ABSTRACT collection for download


The agenda features several key themes aimed at advancing the field:

  • Advances in Education in Clinical Trials – Conscious II Multiplier Event: This session will highlight new educational strategies and resources for clinical trial professionals.
  • Patient-Centered Clinical Research: Discussions will revolve around methods to ensure that trials are designed with the patient’s needs and experiences in mind.
  • New Approaches in Clinical Study Preparation and Operation: Experts will share insights on streamlining the preparation and operation phases of clinical studies.
  • Clinical Research for and with Medical Students as Future Investigators: This theme focuses on engaging and training medical students to become the next generation of clinical researchers.
  • Innovations & IT Tools Accelerating Patient-Centric Trials: Presentations will cover the latest technological innovations that can enhance the efficiency and patient-focus of clinical trials.

This conference is connected to CONSCIOUS II multiplier event.

Where will the event take place?

The complex of St. Anne’s University Hospital can be entered from Pekařská, Leitnerova and Hybešova streets or from Mendel Square. The conference hall is in the O1 building, which is best accessed from Pekařská street. After you have entered, take the corridor to the left and then go straight ahead through the T corridor. Alternatively, you can enter from the opposite direction, go one floor up (to the 2nd floor) and continue straight past the library to the conference hall (green lines).
The interactive map is displayed by clicking on the image.

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