A recombinant human protein FGF2-STAB® is a stabilized growth factor developed in cooperation with Masaryk University and its spin-off company Enantis. FGF2-STAB® offers a new way of growing FGF2 – dependent cell culture more efficiently, with minor media changes. It retains full biological activity even after twenty days at 37°C.
Prolonged and sustained delivery of FGF2-STAB provides more significant therapeutic effect, faster healing and lower the risk of the frequent administration-related side effects.
FGF2-STAB® has potential in the treatment of many diseases. According to preliminary observations when applied to the wound, this protein supports the process of angiogenesis and vascularization, proliferation and migration of fibroblasts, increases keratinocyte motility during re-epithelialization and stimulates collagenase production, reduces scarring and suppresses inflammatory reaction. The goal of the cooperation between CZECRIN and ENANTIS is to move FGF2-STAB® to the clinical applications, as a potential product for the clinical trials phase and get it closer to patients in selected indications.