CEPOETAPodnadpis Paediatric Oncology Early Trials Alliance - CEPOETA It is a consortium supporting pediatric clinical research in oncology, especially early clinical trials in children and young adults. This consortium provides collaboration and exchange of experience in treatement of the pediatric cancer patients and enables clinical research, and clinical trials focused on childhood cancer. Pharmaceutical companies…
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TRANSVAC2TRANSVAC2 TRANSVAC2 is the follow-up project to its successful predecessor project TRANSVAC, the European Network of Vaccine Research and Development funded under FP7. The TRANSVAC2 consortium comprises a comprehensive collection of leading European institutions that propose to further advance with the previous initiative to establish a fully operational and sustainable European vaccine infrastructure. TRANSVAC2 supports…
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FGF2-STAB® – ENANTISFGF2-STAB® – ENANTIS A recombinant human protein FGF2-STAB® is a stabilized growth factor developed in cooperation with Masaryk University and its spin-off company Enantis. FGF2-STAB® offers a new way of growing FGF2 - dependent cell culture more efficiently, with minor media changes. It retains full biological activity even after twenty days at 37°C.…
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